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miercuri, 18 mai 2011

The colors of my life

Life is full of colors, white and black, red and green, yellow and blue. Every day gives us a new color. Every day gives us the chance to open our eyes and to see the yellow sun shining, the blue sky being conquered by the grey clouds, the red roses from the middle of the garden...
For me personaly each color has its significance. I filled my bedroom with green color. I wanted to feel full of life each time I come in my house. People say that green color is specific for strong people. So, I am. For me green is life, nature, power and well being.
In the gamma of my clothes I prefer blue. This brings me freshness and good mood. It gives peace for my soul. This is the color I see everytime I look up.
I like very much the combination of white and red in the "martisor". It is the simbol of purity and love. There is no other way of expressing it.
For a long period of time I had a lot of grey in my life, pain, tears and no plans
for future. Today, I want to chose new colors. I want my future be green, to feel the smell of my bed, to give me hope and strength in myself. I want red color, to have the chance to meet my man and my love, to have the power to fly, to dream and to wait unpatiently the next day. I want yellow, I need sun and I need warmth. I want all the colors of the rainbow, as I know my soul is full of purity and hope. I can fly. I can dream. I can love. I can fight for my future. So, today I Chose The Colors Of the Rainbow as I can not Imagine my Life Without Colors.

miercuri, 27 aprilie 2011

During a year i promissed myself to forget everything. This means to forget your existence and to forget that i knew you. How shall i do this when my heart is full of pain? I still hear your last words for me. I know i do not deserve your last and the most precious seconds from your life. But you gave them to me. In the last seconds of your life, you, were thinking about me and about what shall I do without you.

Sometimes i get apset of you. I try to understand and to find answers for the q
uestions that start with "Why?", but I realise that i do not have the right to be apset with an angel. Yes, you chose to be for me an angel, not a beloved person.
Running from the places I could find you, i realised that the pain needs no visa. It comes after me even here. I came here, to be closer to God, to ask Him to take care of my angel. I talk with
you in my dreams. I see you smiling. If you were here, I would not let you go. I would keep you by hand all my life.
People say I have to forget about you. Why?

vineri, 15 aprilie 2011

Mi-e dor sa nu-mi mai fie dor de tine

Tristeţea, ea,
nu este gând
ea lucru este.

Mănânc-o, dacă ai cu cine!
Durerea vieţii
e un lucru, -
nu contemplarea lui.

Mi-e dor
să pot să nu-mi mai fie dor
de tine.

-N. Stănescu

vineri, 18 martie 2011

Life is... By Mother Theresa

Life is

an opportunity, benefit from it.

Life is beauty, admire it.

Life is a dream, realize it.

Life is a challenge, meet it.

Life is a duty, complete it.

Life is a game, play it.

Life is a promise, fulfill it.

Life is sorrow, overcome it.

Life is a son

g, sing it.

Life is a struggle, accept it.

Life is a tragedy, confront it.

Life is an adventure, dare it.

Life is luck, make it.

Life is too precious, do not destroy it.

Life is life, fight for it.

joi, 17 martie 2011

Give me reason to fly

The magic power of spring brought you in my life. Every day i wake up to see your sweet smile. I need it as i live with my eyes.
Do not say that i did not mention how special you are for me.
One day you will realise that the Sun does n
ot shine just for the others. it shines for us, too. Be there where you are, but never forget that here i am, and still have that special feeling for your. Love you till death and back.
I live for you and for me. I live for US.

sâmbătă, 29 ianuarie 2011

de 9 ori 29

Timpul zboara nemilos. si eu ma lupt cu timpul si cu viata care mi te-a luat . As fi dat orice sa te am acum linga mine si sa spun ca sunt cu tine de 9 luni in coace. Dar... atitea ti-as povesti. Am trecut prin mii de incercari. Si de fiecare data ma gindeam la tine.

miercuri, 26 ianuarie 2011

Departe... Aproape...

De o luna de zile nu mai sunt in tara. Zi de zi alerg aici printre straini, dar sa stii ca am realizat ca inima si tot ce este in ea nu are distanta. Zimbesc cind ma gindesc la tine, si ma simt fericita ca te-am cunoscut pe tine in aceasta lume plina de toate. Inca imi lipsesc mesajele tale, inca astept sa primesc rinduri de la tine desi stiu ca nu e posibil. Stiu ca a trecut deja o buna vreme, dar sa stii ca gindul la tine ma face sa ma simt mai puternica. Am promis sa fac ceea ce am fi putut sa facem amindoi. Vreau sa stii ca oricit de greu nu-mi va fi voi fi puternica si voi zimbi pentru tine. Mersi mult ca te-am cunoscut.
Vreau sa dau sanse inimii sa mai iubeasca o data. Stiu ca ai fi enorm de fericit daca as face-o. Sper ca timpul si destinul sa ma ajute. Cu dor si drag traiesc sa stiu ca esti mindru ca ma cunosti. zimbeste ca iti prinde bine zimbetul. Iar daca ma vezi zimbind si pe mine sa stii ca ma gindesc la tine. Auzi tu puiule de om? .. .. ... ....

vineri, 21 ianuarie 2011

Din rindurile unui prieten

Dupa un anumit timp, omul invata sa perceapa diferenta subtila intre a sustine o mana si a inlantui un suflet, si invata ca dragostea nu inseamna a te culca cu cineva, si a avea pe cineva alaturi nu e sinonim cu starea de siguranta, si asa, omul incepe sa invete…

Ca sarurturile nu sint contracte si cadourile nu sunt promisiuni si asa omul incepe sa-si accepte caderile cu capul sus si ochii larg deschisi si invata sa-:-Si construiasca toate drumurile bazate pe astazi si acum pentru ca terenul lui"miine"este prea nesigur pentru a face planuri si viitorul are mai mereu oi multime de variante care se opresc insa la jumatatea drumuluiSi dupa un timp omul invata ca-daca e prea mult-Pina si caldura cea datatoare de viata a soarelui,arde si calcineaza.Asa ca incepe sa-si planteze propria gradina si-si impodobeste propriul suflet,in lok sa mai astepte ca altcineva sa-i aduca flori si invata ca intr-adevar poate suporta,ca intr-adervar are forta,ca intr-0adevar e valoros,si omul invata si invata si cu fiecare zi invata